                 Thirteen Reasons Why is a novel written by Jay Asher and he has won many awards for this book. I have mentioned before that it's hard for me to read a book and really get into it. Most of the times, I would read a few chapters, then give up on the book. But for this novel, it's a different story. I couldn't put down the book because it was that good! So far, the first three chapters I've read are very thrilling. Every single page of this book is addicting.

                 For a quick summary of what I've read so far, Clay Jensen received a shoebox stored with thirteen cassettes that was left on his porch. He listens to the first tape and realized that a girl named Hannah Baker ended her life and there are thirteen reasons why she decided to take that action. Each side of a tape involves a person. So far, the people revealed are Justin Foley, Alex Standall, Jessica Davis, Tyler Down and Courtney Crimsen. There are still eight people involved that included Clay himself. Each of these people hurt Hannah in someway.

                 The style of this book was written very well. I liked how the author wrote each chapter tape by tape. This makes things easier because each tape is about a person, explaining the reasons why that person lead to Hannah's suicide. I was able to understand the story because the use of language was simple. I liked how the author italicized Hannah's speech so I can differentiate between Hannah's and Clay's. I did not get confused and I was able to follow along every detail as the book unfolded.

                 Even though I am not close to half way through the book, I would consider this novel as one of the best book I have ever read. I am looking forward to read more of the book to find out who is included in the tapes and when Clay Jensen will appear in the tapes. I have a feeling that he will appear on cassette number thirteen, which is the last one.      

                This novel really teaches me how a little action or a joke can affect someone's life; it can potentially ruin their life! What started out as a joke ruined a friendship, and a rumour that is not true can ruin a friendship as well. This mostly happens in high school because everyone is so immature. What I don't understand is people are biased on one perspective, but they never find out the real truth. They believe the rumors, but they don't don't believe friends like how Jessica didn't believe Hannah.

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