          Both Bryan and Ender possessed qualities that made them the only one capable of fulfilling their given task.  Bryan was faced with a frantic situation where his daughter has been kidnapped in a foreign country. From the U.S. to France is extremely far away. Most people won’t have the ability to track the kidnappers down and reunite with their child; it doesn't seem possible for a normal human being. However, Bryan was a spy who worked for the government. Not many people are spies in this world, therefore this is what makes Bryan special. His occupation made it very possible to find his daughter and get her back. Bryan makes it clear that he has “a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.” Only Bryan is capable of locating and tracking down the kidnappers to find his daughter; ordinary policemen don’t possess such skills. Likewise, Ender possess a quality that made him stand out from his sister and brother. Ender was the only person that could save mankind from the buggers. Valentine was too mild and Peter was too ruthless. He was chosen among his siblings because Ender was both compassionate and ruthless; he turned out “To be half Peter and half Valentine”. This is the quality of a candidate that Command School wanted. Among the other kids in the launch group, Ender is the youngest, yet the smartest and most intelligent. These characteristics allows Ender to stand out from the group, but in a negative way. Ender was the only one who can save mankind, destroy the buggers due to his quick learning and intelligence. He was trained to enhance his skills even further. Therefore, it is the special gift that these two characters possess that helps them be well prepared for their quest.

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